Fall Foliage

So, Chicago ain't no New England, and the leaf peeping here is not exactly first rate. But if one takes the time to appreciate what color there is on the trees here in the city, one is all the better for it.
So without further ado, a photo gallery...

A cab on Lake Shore Drive (Grant Park in the background)

A firey red tree on the quad at the U of C

The big tall white building and part of the Chicago skyline

A little tree outside the business school

The courtyard at the U of C Lab schools

A tunnel o' color on 58th Street
p.s. On a completely-unrelated-but-nonetheless-all-important note, it is now November. Which means that the Christmas music listening season has begun. I have begun, um, obtaining music (through perfectly legally and legitimate means of course) and I am looking for suggestions. So tell me: what is your favorite Christmas song?
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