Sayonara, Summer

This picture was actually taken a year (or maybe two years) ago on my parents' front stoop, but I thought it appropriate due to the (rather large) pumpkin that is its subject.
I know fall officially began a few days ago, but circumstances in my life and the weather we've been having have prolonged summer to just about, well, now. Tomorrow I begin my second year of grad school (yes, that makes today, September 25th, the last day of my summer vacation) and the temperature, accordingly, is supposed to plunge down into the lower 70's.
Which makes one really want to start thinking about apples and acorn squash, red and yellow leaves crunching underfoot, and pumpkins, of course, which lead one to start thinking about Halloween. Which brings one to the following question: What to be for Halloween.
As I head into my own personal fall tomorrow (should I be worried, given the alternate meaning of the word?), I look to you, faithful readers of my weblog, for advice. Suggestions for any and all costume ideas should be left in the comments section.
glad to see the Great Pumpkin of 2003 immortalized on your blog. how about going as Edith Piaf? Or Francoise Sagan?
12:26 PM
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