Monday, September 06, 2004

Transportation Woes

As those of you who have read this blog since its humble beginnings will remember, I am a big fan of the Container Store. This morning, since I was already downtown anyway, I decided to take the el up to North and Clybourn, where the shrine to organization is located. I really needed a better system of shelving/drawers for my teeny tiny closet, so my mission was to find something that would be both effective for storing clothes in a small space and also easily transportable back to my apartment via el and bus.

Ha! No small task that was. Many deep breaths, reconfigurations of bags, hurdlings of turnstyles, and bumpings against of shins later, I made it home. But picture if you will two giant plastic bags filled with 5 awkwardly shaped stackable baskets and about 20 hangers of various sizes. Now picture me, schlepping these bags onto the red line train, off the red line train, onto the 55 bus, off the 55 bus, and then, by foot, the several blocks from the bus stop to my apartment. Thank goodness they only weighed a few ounces each.

Now I know I scoffed at all those who said to me, "Are you sure you're not going to want a car in Chicago?" And to be clear, I still don't want to navigate the city streets, pay for gas and insurance, and search desperately for parking spaces. I do, however, want a car. Donations will be accepted at any time.

P.S. I saw Garden State last night and loved it. I highly recommend you go see it... now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

if you had the car, chances are you couldn't afford to buy the containers. so you might be no better off. next time, hire a rickshaw. TBC

5:08 PM


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