Wednesday, November 09, 2005

A Rant

I like the New York Times, I really do. I thoroughly enjoy their fluff sections... Dining, Fashion & Style, Travel. But the articles they pass off as news are simply ridiculous sometimes. It seems like every writer has an agenda that he or she makes no effort to hide.

I could go into my own views on the issue dealt with in this article, but those are really beside the point. What bothers me most is the way the owner of this cafe in my neighborhood has been portrayed as an evil tyrant. To stoop so low as to compare the prices at his cafe with those of competing local businesses is absurd. How does what the place charges have any relevance to the purported subject of the article?

That being said, of course I will continue to take full advantage of the Times website, to procrastinate by reading Nigella Lawson food articles and by flipping through slide shows depicting European vacations. But I'm not likely to spend another nickel on their over-editorialized newspaper.

So there.

p.s. Meanwhile, this statement issued by the bookstore mentioned in the article shows just how inaccurate the article really is. For shame!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good golly, a biased, inaccurate story in the Times? what is this world coming to? GPL, TBC

2:47 PM


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