I Heart Valentine's Day

I love decorating our apartment for holidays. So I was more than a little pleased to find a package filled with Valentine's Day lanterns waiting for me when I got home from work yesterday. Don't you wish you had a mom like mine?

These babies even light up! And they went perfectly with my existing Valentine's decorations, which were meager at best. (See doiley garland, etc. in photo below.)

And while the cool thing to do is to curse and spit on Valentine's Day, to call it just another Hallmark Holiday created by corporate bigwigs to induce people to waste their hard-earned money on cards and flowers and to make single people feel like crap and coupled people feel guilty if they don't adequately prove the extent of their love and devotion to their significant other, I choose to ignore all that and revel in the cheesiness of it all. I've never been one to ignore an opportunity for festive decoration and spirited celebration.
mom likes it! mom likes it! tbc
3:08 PM
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