Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Hot Town, Summer in the City

So this is what it's like to live in a city during the height of the heat and humidty of the summer.  Actually, I shouldn't complain.  I've spent most of the past few days indoors in well-chilled, climate-controlled environments, which, as has been discussed, seem to make the natural environment harder to bear.

This morning's run was an exercise in restraint.  By crawling along at a slow and steady jog, I could regulate my body temperature and prevent myself from boiling over by attempting to produce heat at the same rate that my body could expel it.  It worked for the limited amount of time I spent outside running, but I'm pretty glad that the temperature is supposed to drop about 15 degrees by this weekend, when I'll be cranking out a 16-miler.

In other news, Baker leaves tomorrow.  All four Frankes and I ate dinner at a small but very nice restaurant on the north side called Lucca's.  I had stuffed pork tenderloin with spaghetti squash, which I think is a vastly under-rated squash.  Perhaps I'll have to make some for myself in the coming weeks. 


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it was benjamin franklin who said, "the more one protects oneself from hot and cold temperatures, the less tolerant one becomes of any temperature fluctuation." no, maybe it wasn't franklin. maybe it was Chet Currier. but whoever said it, it is wisdom to live by.

12:47 PM


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