Thursday, November 18, 2004

The Level of Life

Today I was interviewed as part of a teacher's evaluation process (hers not mine.) Even though I was just the guinea pig, it was still nerve wracking to sit down in a room packed full of French teachers (who were all observing this woman who was being evaluated) and hearing the scratching of their pens every time I said anything. I think the deal was that they were going to ask her how she would have instructed me on what I had done incorrectly and evaluate her on her ability to hear mistakes in a student's oral expression and to correct them. But still, jeez. If ever I felt put in the spotlight, it was then.

At one point, I did crack a joke (in French nonetheless) and I got a pretty good laugh from the room. I wondered how to say, "Thanks, folks, I'll be here all week" in French. Anyway, upon leaving, while the head evalutor was filling out my cute little certificate proving I participated in this whole business, he praised my French. I scoffed. "No, no," he said. "You're at what we call 'the level of life.' You can basically communicate in any situation you need to."

I just wonder who came up with that oh-so-specific term and what exactly the other levels are. I suppose chugging along at the level of life is better than the alternative, so I'll take it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like you handled the situation with savior faire, which is a prime ingredient for a high level of life! GPL, TBC

1:11 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

i see in my previous post i misspelled savoir-faire as savior-faire. this is definitely a Freudian slip.

12:47 PM


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