Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Christmas in Connecticut

I enjoyed a lovely Christmas morning celebration, Christmas day run, Christmas evening dinner, as well as the traditional post-Christmas-dinner-overpriced-cocktail-at-suburban-Mexican-restaurant this Saturday at home in Connecticut.

I also met my brother's girlfriend for the first time (we got to talk over aforementioned overpriced cocktails) and spent an extra day back east because my flight was cancelled Sunday evening. (Cause of cancellation? "Well you know, sometimes there's just, like, too many planes in the air so Air Traffic Control has to, you know, cancel some," according to the American Airlines representative at their 1-800 number.)

Now I'm back in Chi-town... for 3 more days before I get back on a plane (let's hope they've sorted out that "too many planes in the air" issue by then) and head to St. Louis, the land of mediocre BBQ (it ain't Kansas City) and the arch, for a romantic weekend getaway at the Adam's Mark. Baker will spend all day Saturday cavorting with other Computer Science educators while I toil away on my Medieval Romance presentation for next week. It promises to be a rollicking good time.

Still, it's an exploration-adventure I couldn't pass up. So continues my education on the culture of the mid-west...


Blogger Anne said...

Dana, while you're in St. Louis, be sure to stop by the City Museum (think: indoor playground for adults) and the Cathedral Basilica (astounding mosaic artistry). I visited both while I was in St. Louis with Nestle Purina and they are great spots - certainly less crowded than the Arch.

2:21 PM


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