Monday, April 18, 2005

Spring at 32 ft/sec squared

We'’re past the halfway point in April. There are actual little leaves on the trees in place of the tightly closed buds that clung to the tips of the branches two weeks ago. Not just daffodils but also hyacinths and tulips are blooming. It'’s really spring.

And this is about the point at which I realize, every year, that I'’m about to jump. It’'s like I'’m standing at the edge of a cliff, my toes hanging over the edge. I know that I’'m about to dive off, and I’'m staring down at the ground below. Wha't’s waiting for me down there? Oh, mid-July, I’'d say.

On my way down I’'ll free-fall past the last week or so of April, all of May and June, until I finally land flat on my face in the middle of the summer. It’'s not really until that first hot and humid spell in July that the world slows down.

It’'s a shame, really, because 4/5 ths of major family celebrations occur during this free-fall period, not to mention events like Mother’s' and Father’s' Day, ends of school years, and simple beautiful, sunny days. It never fails, though. Every year, these few months fly by at the speed of light, and it’'s all I can do to look around once or twice and blow out a candle or two on my way by.

And this year, I will actually be out of the country for the last several weeks of this period. That will be different. I’'ll miss certain things (including 3/5 ths of those big family days) but that'’s not such a big deal. I’'ve learned that any major holiday can be assigned a new time and place without losing much of the essential celebratory value.

I do lament, however, the sheer passage of time. It'’s impossible to deny the force of gravity, yanking me through all these moments I wish I could hold on to a little longer. I guess all anyone can really do is savor the millisecond or two we get to spend suspended at any one altitude. I hope I find a way to do that at least as I plummet through the rest of the season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

no greater tyranny than Time. tbc

2:21 PM


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