Hanging the pot

Last night we officially warmed our house with the help of about 20 guests and a lot of Old Style. This lovely fountain was generously filled and turned on by our landlords/upstairs neighbors for the festivities. Those streaky lights you see in the water are floating candles and fake, light-up ice cubes. The constant trickling might have inspired more trips to the bathroom, but the fountain was really a great "conversation piece" as they say on all those home-decorating shows. I think only the chocolate-covered strawberries rivaled it for biggest hit of the party.
p.s. A "pendaison de la cremailliere" is a house-warming party in French. Literally translated, it means the hanging of the pot. Hence the title of this post.
Cremailliere is such a more elegant word than ``pot''! had never stopped to think about what it meant -- a famous and fancy restaurant near greenwich is ``La Cremailliere''. GPL, TBC
10:28 AM
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