Would you brush your teeth with this?

You might be wondering what this photo of mayonnaise in a tube has to do with this post. If you guessed "nothing," you'd be very right. I wanted to post pictures of our apartment today, but it's really not photo-ready yet. We've made a lot of progress this weekend though, so pictures will indeed be posted soon. I swear.
Anyway, we are not machines. We must sacrifice some of our time amusing ourselves and sleeping, of course. Friday night was dinner out at Andie's and a game of poker (which I won, by the way); Saturday was rain, rain, and more rain, interspersed with trips to the Green City Market, Target, and Trader Joe's, followed by bruschetta for dinner and The Big Bounce, thanks to HBO On-Demand. And today we were all about running/cycling and the Golden Nugget Pancake House afterward.
Nevertheless, clothes were put away and closets organized, under-cabinet lights were installed, and a crazy, 150-lb. capacity grocery caddie was purchased. So we're really almost there.
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