These are shedders

Phew. I don't even really know where to begin with this post so I thought I'd throw some lobstahs up there for you. I enjoyed these tasty babies last Saturday night on Vinalhaven, where I spent the weekend with good friends from college. Sure it took 16 hours in the car and 2.5 on a boat, but it was worth it. I am big on seeing people I care about ensconced in their current environments. Something about seeing their homes, their friends, their places of work makes me feel calm and satisfied, especially if those friends are really happy in said environments.
Now I am back in Chi-town, adjusting to my own new environment. Pictures will follow, trust me. But let's just say I think I could get used to this place...
Sad to have you 1000 miles away again, but joyous to have posts resuming on this bodacious blog. it causes all sorts of warm fuzzy feelings to think of you set up so nicely in a new home. Mazel tov! GPL, TBC
9:09 AM
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