Saturday, December 04, 2004

California, here we come...

*** Warning: Blatantly over-stretched connection between two totally unrelated topics made below. Enter at your own risk. ***

In an effort to "think of names for Santa's elves" (today's instruction from my advent calendar), I could think of only four:

Ryan, Marissa, Seth, and Summer

If you know where I got these names, then get ready to welcome me into the club. Yes, that's right, I've succumbed to an addiction to the horribly cheesy Fox drama known as The O.C. I blame my roommates. They convinced me to watch this season's first episode a few weeks ago and explained the entire backstory to me during the commerical breaks. I watched both the second and third episode and felt myself pulled a little closer toward the black hole that is my addiction.

But last night, when my roommate unwrapped the boxed set of DVD's of the first season of the show, I gave in. And now that I've watched the pilot and the second episode, I've abandonned all hope. For the next six days, my life shall contain nothing but Albert Camus, Richard Millet, and, like, the gang from Newport. Have mercy on me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

here are my elf names: Dominguez, Luzzi, Blanc, Bejarano, Day, Castellano, Flores and Bridgmohan

6:47 AM


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