Congratulations, Me

In the past 5 days, I have acquired:
1. a master's degree
2. a car
3. a Dust Buster
4. a healthy respect for the insanity that is air travel
Needless to say, I could write at least 4 long posts on each of the above acquisitions, but I don't have the time. So I will summarize as best I can.
The picture above features a fancy dessert presentation at my celebratory dinner following the sizzling graduation ceremony last Friday, during which I received my M.A.
The car (a silver 2002 Honda Accord... manual transmission, of course) was obtained Saturday evening.

The Dust Buster was a late birthday present from my parents, and number 4 on the list is the result of an incredibly stressful but amazingly fortuitous experience in the airport Sunday morning. Let's just say I was running OJ Simpson-style down the terminal, jumping baby carriages and practically leaping onto the plane as it began taxiing down the runway. Let's also say I never want to relive that experience as long as I live.
Which is why I'm giving myself about an 8-hour window at the airport tomorrow before my flight leaves for Europe. I'll be heading to Amsterdam first en route to Paris and then Avignon. It's going to be long and exhausting but at least it'll be air-conditioned. I'm done with these 91-degree days here in Connecticut.
I've already attempted to stake out Wireless hot spots in Avignon (sparse though they may be) so I'm hoping to update this weblog from time to time, hopefully posting pictures of beautiful provencale scenery. Meanwhile, enjoy your summers here in the good ol' U.S. of A. I'll be back in August...
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