Yes, I went out in public like this...

Perhaps not surprisingly, only one person last night recognized immediately whom I was dressed up as. Can you tell?
I'll give you a hint.
"Thundercats, HO!"
If you were born between 1977 and 1983, you really have no excuse for not recognizing that battle cry. Well, unless you were unfortunate enough to have parents who forbid you from watching TV as a young child.
I must admit, when I started researching this costume idea, I could not recall the character's name. I vaguely remembered Liono, of course, but the name "Cheetara" was not a detail that managed to stick in my memory from the days when I used to watch the cartoon. Still, I couldn't resist being her for Halloween.
And let me tell you, dressing up like her was no easy feat. Several trips to costume and fabric stores were required. And if you're thinking, "Huh, I wouldn't think those places even sold orange leotards and boot covers," you're right. I dyed the leotard myself and brushed off my pathetic sewing skills (and a travel sewing kit) to make the boot covers.
But it was all worth it. Even if no one really knew who I was, I think people appreciated the effort. And once I said "Thundercats," most people's reaction was "Oh yeah, of course!"
Here, the day after, with (most of) the orange grease paint off my face and the Aqua Net out of my hair, I am a little saddened that Halloween is over. Of course, it isn't really, but tomorrow is more for the kids than for us creepy 20-somethings who enjoy impersonating obscure cartoon characters from their own long-lost childhoods. We only get the nearest Saturday night for living out our bizarre fantasies.