Hey Jultomten

I know, I know. I haven't posted in quite a while, but give me a break. I'm in finals period here.
Despite my ungodly work load, I've been managing to show my face outside every so often (or perhaps, inside, at a poker table.) When I do venture outside, I come across such entertaining fellows as the Santa posted above and the reindeer below.

Rudy here is a Swedish reindeer, of course, displayed in the window of our local Swedish museum. Here in Andersonville, this weekend was Julmarknad, a traditional Swedish Christmas festival. I'm not sure much was going on besides a few stores advertising 10% off some crusty ornaments and perhaps some heavy glogg drinking, but how would I know? I was working all weekend.
p.s. Here's a clue to help you get the title of this post. Jultomten means "Santa" in Swedish.
Jultomten is ankomst to stad. GPL. TBC
3:00 PM
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