L.A. Story

Even though I spent my childhood traveling to L.A. at least once every 2 years, I had never before visited this most famous of landmarks. It was, of course, swarming with camera-wielding, fanny-pack-sporting, toddler-toting tourists, but still, where else do you get to compare the size of your feet with Ron Howard's?

Other highlights so far have included trips to Disneyland and the Getty Museum, a drive down Rodeo, a stroll through Santa Monica, and 7 hours spent sitting in bumper to bumper traffic between here and Santa Barbara, mostly on the 101, which runs right through the Valley. It's hard to complain about traffic, though, when the temperature is perpetually 60 to 70 degrees and the only clouds one sees in the sky tend to drift about harmlessly without the slightest threat of rain.
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