You're definitely right if you're guessing there are probably many more productive things I could be doing than taking pictures of my kitchen, but there's a reason for it, I swear. Today we were supposed to have our new dishwasher installed, the dishwasher which has been sitting, swathed in bubble wrap, in our basement for a week and a half. It is supposed to replace this thing, which currently makes enough noise to compete with overhead air traffic.

The point is, the dishwasher has not yet been installed. And I don't think our chances are good that the dishwasher man will show up at 4:30 p.m. on a Saturday afternoon. But I suppose you never know.
Meanwhile, I've decided to take you on a tour of our kitchen. The photo at the top of the screen shows our longest uninterrupted stretch of counter space, between the sink and the stove. It is often cluttered up with small appliances, such as our beloved coffee grinder.

Opposite the counter, we have one of them baker's racks, which I actually bought a couple of years ago for clothing storage (yeah, I don't really know what I was thinking.) It works much better for pots, pans, soda, etc.

My two favorite parts of the kitchen are the fridge...

... and the magnetic spice rack.

We don't have so many spices right now, but the essentials are all there: cinnamon, hot pepper flakes, cumin, rosemary, cinnamon, garam masala, and cinnamon.
Meanwhile, the reason I love the fridge so much is that it provides ample space for displaying ridiculous things like these Tidy Cat ads, which I find absolutely hilarious.

On that note, I think I'll sign off and spare you any more of my random kitchen tour ramblings. But if you made it this far, you must really like me or at least have been extremely bored.
Cheers, and happy Three Kings' Day, Epiphany, or Orthodox Christmas to you!