Thursday, May 31, 2007

May (into June) Flowers

Well, my birthday has come and gone and so has Memorial Day. (Yesterday, it took me about 5 minutes to figure out whether or not it had actually happened yet or not. Then, I rememembered, "oh yeah, that's why I was here at home on Monday...") I had to post some flowers, because they are everywhere here in Chicago these days. (I do have to confess, however, that these particular flowers were shot in southern California.) What I have yet to see is a cicada, though everyone assures me the suburbs are full of them, the seventeen-year kind that flood into northern Illinois and swarm all over everything. They tend to stick to less-developed areas, though, so I'm hoping they decide it's just not worth it to come into the city anymore ...

Friday, May 11, 2007


It has been almost a month since my last post, but I am back and better than ever. And almost 27 (T-3 days)! Blogging has obviously been taking a back seat to other activities in my life, but that doesn't mean I can't show my face around here every once in a while.

The birthday cake you see above was not made for me but for my dad a few months ago. It is a "white" cake with caramel frosting. For my own cake (which will be made next week when I am out visiting my parents), I have requested a hybrid gingerbread/carrot cake with nuts and raisins and, in lieu of frosting, whipped cream and strawberries on the side. What, me? High maintenance? Nah!