Mmmm, bread....
Goodness me, it has been way too long since my last post. And when I look at it now, I feel silly because of course, the Bears lost. When your team loses, you needly to quickly move on to the next thing and pretend the loss never happened. It's the only respectable thing to do.
Anyway, my next thing is a new project I am lucky to be a part of called "Drive Thru." Yes, I am moving up to bigger and better things in the blogging world, and I am going to be one of several contributors to this Chicago-centric food blog that will be run by
Gaper's Block, a Chicago-centric, well, everything blog that I have been reading faithfully pretty much since I started living in the windy city.
Drive Thru is supposed to launch Monday, so keep your eyes peeled for another post here, announcing its arrival. It is a project that I have neither the time nor the energy for, but I am super excited about it nonetheless. Stay tuned!