Ten Things... (part 2)
So I promised I would follow up with the other five things I like about Hyde Park. Here they are:
1. There are lots of small children.
Not so many that they get annoying (although the shrieks from the playground next door to my apartment are sometimes a little much) but just enough so that they strike you as very cute as they toddle down the sidewalk with their moms, dads, and babysitters.
2. There is a real "college town" feel to the place.
Now that all the students are back, the place is pretty much over-run with 18,19, and 20-something year olds. And you can tell most of the businesses cater to us students.
3. It's a great area for running.
Most of the intersections aren't too busy, the sidewalks are not overcrowded, and there are three rather large parks (Jackson Park, Washington Park, and the Midway Plaisance) in addition to the lakefront path. I've come up with several great routes so far that lead me through quiet, shady, neighborhood streets.
4. There are some beautiful old houses.
First of all, there's the Robie House, the Frank Lloyd Wright-designed residence that is right across from the business school. But there also some amazing old houses- dare I say mansions- in all styles of architecture all around. Louis Farrakhan even lives in one. I can even call him my neighbor.
5. There are amazing views of downtown from here.
Today, in the middle of running one of my newly-discovered neighborhood loop runs, I was heading north along the lake and a stunning view of the city unfolded in front of me as I came around a little bend in the path, just about parallel to 51st street. From that vantage point, the whole skyline seems to stretch out into the lake and up into the sky. It's hard to appreciate the majesty of it all when you're living downtown, scurrying around like an ant under these giant skyscrapers. But when you put some distance between you and the fray, you get to admire the drama of it all.
I hope this list continues to grow as I spend more time here. Even though I don't want to live here forever, Hyde Park is not such a bad place to call home for a year.